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Current Location >> Tools>> Internet Banking FAQ>> Internet Banking Service Scope>> Use of Services


1. How can I access the internet banking service?

Your computer should be installed a browser such as Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.01 or above / Netscape Communicator 4.5 or above. Then you visit our website at and click the [Internet Banking Login] button, input your IBS number or credit card number or user name and your password. After verification, you can access the internet banking service. For the sake of security, you are required to change your password upon first time access. In addition, it is advisable to change your password regularly.

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2. I haven't installed 'Java' in my computer. Can I browse the internet banking service?

Yes, you can. You need to install ‘Java' in your computer only when you use e-certificate or I-Trade Streaming Quote Services.You may download ‘Java' from the website

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3. How do I know the transaction is successfully completed?

If the transaction is accepted, a message of 'Transaction completed' and a reference number will be displayed on the screen. Besides, transaction will be recorded immediately in the [Last 20 Transaction Records].

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4. Can I do the transaction by email?

Sorry, any instruction by email is not accepted.

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5. What if I forget my password?

Please visit our branch / sub-branches to reset your password.

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6. If system interruption happens (eg. computer crash) in the midst of transaction, how do I know the transaction has been effected successfully?

Simply re-login the service and click [My account]> [Account Enquiry] button and then the [Last 20 Transaction Records] button to check the transaction history. For further queries, please do not hesitate to visit our branch/sub-branches or contact our customer service hotline on 2269 9699 for assistance.

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7. How do I print the transaction records?

You can simply click the [Print] button on the main menu of the browser.

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8. How do I change my password?

Please click the [Customer Services] button and select the [Change Password] button. The new password will be effective once the change is successfully accepted.

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9. Is there any time-limit set for internet banking?

Whenever internet banking remains idle for more than 30 minutes, internet banking system will activate its automatic log-off function to safeguard customers' accounts against unauthorized access. You have to login again to resume the internet banking.

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10. What can I do if I input wrong information?

The whole transaction can be revoked before confirmation. However, the transaction cannot be amended and becomes effective, once [Confirm] button is clicked.

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11. Can I exit internet banking service by simply closing the browser windows?

Internet banking service is still in an active mode even you have closed the browser. For security reasons, please ensure to click the [Logout] button to log-off the service online after you have finished your transactions.

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