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Fraud crime is growing and everybody should be aware of it. To protect yourself from being the next victim of fraudulent events, we hope the following tips may help you.  

Keep your details safe

Safeguard your personal information and belongings, including ATM cards, credit cards, cheque books, identity documents, passwords, etc. This will protect you from identity theft, online fraud, card fraud, and more.

Be cautious when providing information to others

Whenever someone request for your personal information, either through phone calls, SMS texts or emails, be cautious and do not respond to these kinds of communications until you have ascertained they are genuine. 

Beware of scam emails or phishing websites

Fraudsters may send out scam emails, which may contain attachments or hyperlinks. Do not open them if you are in doubt, as this is a common trick used by fraudsters to install trojans or spyware to intrude your computer for personal information.  

Check your bank statements carefully

You should check your bank statements carefully, if you spot any transactions you do not recognised, contact us immediately.  

Strengthen the security of your mailbox

Recommend to strengthen the security of the mailbox. This can prevent fraudsters from stealing your letters containing personal information, such as bank statements, credit cards, or tax assessment notice. If you have not received the scheduled letters in time, please contact the relevant organizations immediately.

Contact Us

Customer Service Hotline: 223 95559


Please visit any of our branch and sub branches