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Current Location >> Corporate Banking>> Insurance>> Employees Protection>> Employees Group Medical Insurance

Employees' Group Medical Insurance caring your employees by providing additional benefit

No doubt all employers agree that health is the most invaluable asset for their employees. Group Medical Insurance provides a comprehensive protection to your employees. It can act as an additional employees benefit which can help to enhance or even develop the employees' loyalty.

CAREPLUS Employee Benefits Insurance Plan


  • Fully understand the need of employers and provides comprehensive hospitalization and life insurance coverage.
  • With optional supplementary major medical coverage and outpatient benefits to suit the needs of different class of employees.
  • With optional dependent coverage caring your employees' family member as well.
  • Offer outpatient medical card^.
  • With free International SOS 24-Hour Worldwide Assistance.
  • Offer Chinese Medicine Practitioner Benefits (including Bonesetting and Acupuncture) in outpatient section.
  • A choice of 80% or 100% reimbursement in Supplementary Outpatient Benefits.

^The number of enrolled employee should meet the designated limit.


Governing Law of Policy: Hong Kong Special Administrative Law

For enquiries, please contact or visit our branch/sub-branches or commercial banking centres.


  1. "CAREPLUS Employee Benefits Insurance Plan" is underwritten by ING Life Insurance Company (Bermuda) Limited. Bank of Communications Co., Ltd. Hong Kong Branch is an appointed insurance agent of ING Life Insurance Company (Bermuda) Limited.
  2. The above information is for reference only. For the detailed terms & conditions and exclusions, please refer to the full wording of the policy provisions of the related insurance plan.

Important Notice:

Applicable to the insurance plan which is underwritten by FWD Life Insurance Company (Bermuda) Limited (“FWD”) 

  • The insurance plan is a product of FWD but not Bank of Communications Co., Ltd. Hong Kong Branch (the “Bank”). All benefits payable under the insurance plan are subject to the credit risk of FWD.
  • Part of the premium pays for the insurance and related costs. If you surrender your policy in the early policy years or before the end of the policy term, the amount you get back may be considerably less than the total premium you have paid.
  • In respect of an eligible dispute (as defined in the Terms of Reference for the Financial Dispute Resolution Centre in relation to the Financial Dispute Resolution Scheme) arising between the Bank and the customer out of the selling process or processing of the related transaction, the Bank is required to enter into a Financial Dispute Resolution Scheme process with the customer; however any dispute over the contractual terms of the product should be resolved between directly FWD and the customer.
  • FWD is authorized and regulated by Office of the Commissioner of Insurance.
  • FWD reserves the right to accept or reject any Insurance Application.

For details, please refer to Disclosure of Important Information to Life Insurance Customers.

Contact Us

Customer Service Hotline: 223 95559


Please visit any of our branch and sub branches